Giving Tuesday Campaign Ideas For Your Nonprofit

For such an important day for nonprofits, Giving Tuesday seems to come more quickly every year. From goal-setting to launch day, there are a few important things to figure out before you can hit the ground running on this global day of giving back. One of the most important is your Giving Tuesday campaign.
Maybe you’ve already dotted your i’s and crossed your t’s when it comes to a Giving Tuesday fundraising campaign… or have you? If you’re like many nonprofits, you may not have had time to sit down and plot out all the details for your fundraising campaign just yet. The good news—it’s not too late.
The first step? Figure out what kind of Giving Tuesday campaign will best meet your goals. Maybe you want to raise as much money as possible in one day. Or maybe you’re playing the long-game and want to focus on cultivating donors who will give to your year-end campaign. Whatever the case, determine what kind of initiative you’re confident you can execute successfully.
To help you get started, here are four Giving Tuesday campaign ideas you can use this year.
1. One Day, One Goal
If you want to get your feet wet on Giving Tuesday or are looking to build momentum around one big project, start with a single-day campaign focused on fundraising towards one goal on one day.
This is best for organizations who want to raise as much money as possible in a single day. Plus, it’s relatively easy to accomplish with an online donation page and strong social media campaign.
2. Expand Your Reach
Want to amplify your message beyond your networks? Launch a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign that encourages your advocates to reach out and raise money on their own. Your supporters can create donation pages of their own and tap into their own social networks and introduce new donors to your organization.
This is best for organizations who have a little extra time to plan a campaign that involves contacting and motivating supporters to get involved on your behalf. The good news is, we have a full Peer-To-Peer Fundraising Resource Guide that will walk you from planning to execution of your campaign.
3. Make it Monthly
One way to maximize the long-term effects of Giving Tuesday is to focus on nurturing new recurring givers. Recurring givers can provide a consistent stream of revenue each month, and with the increased engagement of Giving Tuesday, you can start the new year strong with a group of new recurring donors.
This is best for organizations who are ready to take one-time givers and turn them into regular, consistent supporters. Pro-Tip: You can use your current supporters to help you generate monthly givers by combining this strategy with the previous one! For a real-life example, read our interview with She’s The First to see how they created a successful monthly giving program.
4. Launch Your Year-End Campaign
What better way to capitalize on the potential of Giving Tuesday than to use it to help launch your year-end fundraising campaign? We know that for most organizations, December is the largest month of revenue and using the power of Giving Tuesday to supercharge the last month of the year is perhaps the best way to meet – and maybe even exceed – your goals!
This is best for…any organization! We recommend an integrated Giving Tuesday and end-of-year giving campaign to help you make the most of year-end fundraising. For more, read our 8 steps to creating a successful year-end giving campaign.
No matter what kind of Giving Tuesday campaign you decide to launch, remember this: doing something is always better than doing nothing. Rally your team and get ready to make the end of year count.
Schedule a live demo with Bloomerang, and we’ll show you how easy it is to create and automate reports, utilize online and offline fundraising tools, quickly integrate and access all your data, and ultimately create more time to engage your donors.