What are LYBUNT And SYBUNT reports?
LYBUNT and SYBUNT are acronyms used to classify types of lapsed donors. LYBUNT stands for Last Year But Unfortunately Not This year, meaning the donor supported your organization during the last fiscal year but did not return to donate again this year. SYBUNT stands for Some Year But Unfortunately Not This year. LYBUNT and SYBUNT reports are reports pulled from your donor management system that show exactly who these lapsed donors are.
You can’t reengage lapsed donors if you don’t know who they are! LYBUNT and SYBUNT reports benefit nonprofits by revealing which donors have lapsed so they can craft a plan to win them back.
Difference Between LYBUNT & SYBUNT
Stands for | Last year but unfortunately not this year | Some year but unfortunately not this year |
Filter by | Donors who gave last fiscal year but not this fiscal year | Donors who gave any fiscal year prior to last year but not this fiscal year |
What is a LYBUNT letter?
A LYBUNT letter is a letter an organization sends to a lapsed donor in hopes of compelling them to give again. LYBUNT letters should be written in a way that emphasizes the donor’s importance to the organization. Remind them of the impact their previous donations have had on your organization’s mission and ask them to consider contributing to one of your current programs or initiatives. If you’re using email, don’t forget to include a donation button. The easier it is to give, the more likely donors are to do it.
Bottom line
LYBUNT and SYBUNT reports are instrumental in identifying lapsed donors. Once you know who has lapsed, you can begin to learn why they’ve stopped giving and develop ways to win them back.
Related Resources
- Kindful blog post: Using LYBUNT & SYBUNT Reports To Find Your Lost Donors
- Kindful blog post: The Top 5 Reports To Run In Your Donor Management Platform