What to expect:
Most people already receive more emails than they can read, so it’s easy for them to scroll past your message. How can you write a message that doesn’t just get opened, but inspires your donors to give?
In this webinar, Rachel Muir, CFRE, will help you cut through inbox clutter and deliver winning fundraising email appeals to your supporters.
You’ll get:
- 9 tips to write better email appeals
- A fundraising pep talk to boost your confidence hitting Send
- Details on the 3 biggest mistakes in fundraising emails
- Free time-saving tools to make your writing more donor-centric and easier to read
- Before/after email appeal makeovers
Resources mentioned in the webinar:
- How To Write Winning Email Appeals slide deck
- League Of Extraordinary Fundraising workshop
- Visit Rachel Muir’s website
- Do’s and Dont’s of Writing Thank You’s
- Appeal checklist
- Before/after appeal makeovers
About Rachel:
Rachel Muir, CFRE, transforms individuals into confident, successful fundraisers. When she was 26 years old, Rachel Muir launched Girlstart, a non-profit organization to empower girls in math, science, engineering, and technology in the living room of her apartment with $500 and a credit card. Several years later she had raised over 10 million dollars and was featured on Oprah, CNN, and the Today show.