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Automatically Scheduled Reports

Designate a pre-made or custom report to be generated and emailed automatically.

Schedule both pre-made and custom reports

Whether it’s one of our many pre-made reports or a custom report you made yourself, Kindful can automatically run the report and email it on a recurring schedule.

Set your schedule

You have the option to have any report run daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly. Kindful will run the scheduled report the morning of its sending, so you’ll get fresh details delivered automatically.

Automatically deliver your report to anyone you choose

Enter in the email addresses of anyone that needs to receive your scheduled report. After the report has been generated, it will be sent automatically to the designated inboxes – without you having to lift a finger.

This functionality is great to send monthly reports to your board, weekly giving reports to development directors, or daily major giving reports to your major gifts officer.

Save time with automatically scheduled reports

Nonprofit professionals like you are saving upwards of 10 hours per week with scheduled reports. Get in touch with one of our team members to learn more!

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