Raising money online is harder than it looks. So many other nonprofits post on Facebook and money seems to pour in. The truth is that it’s not easy for them either – there’s strategy and planning and skill that goes into successful online fundraising. If your nonprofit is new or if your old ways no longer work, it’s time for some proven, new ideas to help you raise the money you need.

In this webinar, you’ll learn why people give and how to create a simple, clear, heart-tugging Ask that leads to donations, every time. You’ll learn about the invisible relationship account you have with each donor and what to do to keep a positive balance so you don’t lose donors. You’ll see examples of successful online fundraisers and Asks to inspire your next appeal. Once you know how to ask, when to ask, and what to do when you’re not Asking, fundraising gets easier.

Webinar Slide Deck:

Presenter Bio:

Sandy Rees Head shot

Sandy shows founders and leaders of small nonprofits how to fully fund their dream so they can make the difference they want to make in the world. She has helped dozens of small nonprofits go from “nickel-and-dime fundraising” to adding 6 figures to their bottom line. As the founder and host of Fundraising TV, she shows her students how to find ideal donors, connect through authentic messaging, and build relationships that stand the test of time, so that fundraising becomes easy and predictable. Find out more at www.GetFullyFunded.com.